Tuesday, July 16, 2013


         hoohohoho..........sa kna bg warning tp sa enda kisa.... biar la koe...hahahha
first of all slmt mlm suma n slmt bbuka posa....amacam posa?
ok ka ko?.....harap ok la...enda mau la statistik org msuk hptal meningkat..^^

         hari nie sa mau share smting about my pkjaan.....sa yakin suma atau memang suma la enda tau apa tu occupational therapist...nah...tgok byk uda tnda tnya kan..nie mr.David kalu sa tnya pun enda tau juga tu...
        ok sa bg definisi lu la...pastu bru bg penerangan dia. Occ therapy has a broad knowledge base, derived from medical and social science as well as the moral treatment and arts and craft movement. Therapist work with all age groups and assist with a wide range of medical, social and environment problems. Its focus is the doing of everyday atvt; Its complexity is in understanding the factors that influence and shape these atvt and in constructing interventions that will enable each client to achieve his or her goals.
        nah ambik kmurang....profession kmi nie bantu pesakit utk berdikari semula melalui aktiviti teraputik.cth la pesakit strok, lemah tgn knn jdi enda dpt sisir rambut atau mandi....jdi kmi retrain dia skill tu...sbb matlamat kmi supaya pesakit dapat berdikari dalam aktiviti kehidupan seharian....tp jan sala anggap dgn fisio...sbb nie dua profession yg amat berbeza...
kalu enda fhm juga cri paci google....he know everything~~~~~hehheehhe
        profession nie sgt2 best...tp yg enda bestnya bila sa kna posting jaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuhhhhh dri famili n org yg tersayang...huhuhuhuuhhu...hurmmm...nasib2 apa leh buat trima ja la..drpd lnsg teda keja.
thats all for tonite 
tankiu ^^

~Ms. David~

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